The Good Zeal of
Monks. Fr. Terrance Kardong, a well-known scholar on the rule was our
presenter. He has written a commentary on the Rule and books on other
monastic topics. He is a monk at Assumption Abbey in North Dakota.
to be the first in showing respect to one another
Supporting one another’s weaknesses of body or behavior with the greatest patience
Competing in trying to show obedience to one another
Not pursuing what we think is best for ourselves but looking for what is best for the other
Giving a pure love of brothers to the other brothers
Giving loving fear to God
Giving honest and humble love to their abbot
Supporting one another’s weaknesses of body or behavior with the greatest patience
Competing in trying to show obedience to one another
Not pursuing what we think is best for ourselves but looking for what is best for the other
Giving a pure love of brothers to the other brothers
Giving loving fear to God
Giving honest and humble love to their abbot