Our Sr. Regina’s body was received by the community in a
special ceremony on Wednesday afternoon.
We processed with her body into church where she was placed between our two
choirs. Two sisters sat with her through
the night until her funeral Mass on Thursday praying the psalter. The Pascal candle was at the head of the
bier. The bier was crafted by Sr. Grace.

We celebrated her funeral and then processed to the cemetery.
Many of our brother monks from New Melleray
joined us along with many friends.
Martha and Grace covered Sr. Regina with a shroud and the pallbearers lowered
her into the grave.
M. Rebecca and all
the sisters put a rose in her grave and then a shovel of dirt, followed by our
brothers and guests.
We are sad at her
departure, as we will miss her but rejoice with her in her passing into eternal
life and into the arms of Jesus.
thanks for sharing. with you in Christ. Emma